Integrated Helicopter Airline Transport Pilot with Instrument Rating (IR) Course

Integrated ATPL Course with IR

The objective of the ATPL(H)/IR integrated course is to train pilots to the level of proficiency necessary for the issue of a CPL(H)/IR ready for any mission in the labour market.

Applicants may be admitted to training either as ab initio students, or as holders of a PPL(H) issued in accordance with ICAO Annex I.

This course is designed to equip the student with the knowledge and practical experience to work as a Helicopter Pilot/Copilot in a professional environment in VFR and IFR conditions in multi-turbine helicopters.

Upon completion of the course the student receives a Commercial Helicopter Pilot License CPL(H) with the theoretical part ATPL(H)/IR recognized by EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency. This allows him/her to work as Pilot and co-pilot in any of the jobs offered in the labor market.

The student will obtain the SEP helicopter rating Cabri G2 and the MET, AS355 os Bell 429 helicopter rating with IR rating and PBN attributions.

To fly any other type of helicopter, it will be necessary to obtain a specific type rating.

With this license it is possible to fly in all the countries of the European Union, as long as there is an annotation of linguistic competence in the license of at least operational level, in English. Also with this license you can obtain, by taking the corresponding courses, the Instrument Flight, Flight Instructor, etc. qualification. Consult our section of Courses & Ratings (H).

It will also serve as the first phase to access the Airline Transport Pilot License, by passing the different modular courses offered by World Aviation Flight Academy.

Requirements to complete this integrated helicopter course

Webinar/ How to become a pilot?
Attend our Webinars where we explain the path you should follow while we answer your questions.

ATPL(H)/IR training program


Due to the close relationship that must exist between theoretical instruction and flight instruction, theoretical instruction is divided into phases for correlation with the different stages of flight instruction.

The flight phase should not be started without the certainty that the student has acquired the necessary knowledge for the development of a safe flight, taking into account that he/she has to fly alone before finishing the basic phase.

Phase 1 flight will not be started without having completed Phase 1 theoretical training (240 hours) and the single-engine helicopter type rating theoretical course (5 hours).

Phase 2 flight training will not be completed without the completion of Phase 2 theoretical training (310 hours).

You will not start the Phase 3 flight without having completed the Phase 3 theoretical briefing (200 hours) and the multi-engine helicopter type rating theoretical course (32 hours).

Phase 4 flight training will not be completed without the completion of Phase 4 theoretical training (25 hours).

La finalización de cada una de las fases y el comienzo de la siguiente será acordada entre el/los instructores/es responsable/s de las teóricas y el CFI según el nivel de conocimientos alcanzado por el alumno de tal forma que asegure que la fase de vuelo se iniciará con los niveles de seguridad que se requieren para este tipo de curso


Airline Transport Pilot Course (ATPL-H) 10 MONTHS.

Flight Phases 10 MONTHS.

Flight in Cabri
0 H
Flight in Cabri
0 H
Flight in FNTP II EC135 simulator
0 H
Flight in AS355 or Bell 429
0 H
Flight in FNTP II EC135 simulator
0 H
Flight in FNTP II EC135 simulator
0 H


The student will agree with World Aviation Flight Academy the schedule for the official exams at SENASA, as well as for the in-flight exam.



Expertise tests will be carried out, where students will have to demonstrate, through the correct performance of different maneuvers and procedures, that they are able to

What does it include?

Curso Integrado Piloto de Transporte de Líneas Aéreas de Helicóptero con Habilitación Instrumental (IR)

Duration of training

The approximate duration of the ATPL Integrated Helicopter Course with Instrument Rating is 18 to 24 months and will depend on the availability of the students.

Flexible Training Programs
At World Aviation, we offer courses in both in-person and online formats to cater to a variety of needs and schedules. Our aim is to provide maximum flexibility, enabling you to balance your training with other commitments, whether by attending classes in person or by participating from any location via our online option.

How much does the course cost?

You can check the cost of the commercial helicopter pilot course or of all our training offer broken down by the different modalities and possible combinations in the section > Prices.

Once you have decided the course you want to take, take the time to choose the commercial helicopter pilot school where you want to obtain your certificate, it is crucial to surround yourself with a team of professionals who will advise you and accompany you.

The price of the Integrated Helicopter Airline Pilot Course varies depending on the type rating you choose:

Cabri + IR AS355 / 122.800€
Cabri + IR Bell 429 / 147.800€

We have different financing options that will be able to help you, if needed.

We currently do not have any scholarships available for the ATPL Helicopter Integrated Course (ATPL-H/IR). Keep an eye on our Instagram storys to be aware of future releases.

If you would like to come and meet us, feel free to book your face-to-face appointment here »

Finance your future as a Helicopter Pilot

For full details on how to finance the helicopter airline pilot license click on the image below.

Obtain the ATPL/IR Integrated Helicopter Rating

To fly abroad you must have at least Level 4 – ICAO English Certificate.
of WA graduates are currently flying
0 %
At World Aviation, our graduates benefit from the high demand for helicopter pilots in the market. All pilots trained in our centers start working immediately after obtaining their license. We are proud to state that 100% of our students are currently employed in the industry.

Our training centers

The classes to study the ATPL Integrated Helicopter ATPL(H)/IR course are given in our centers in Madrid and Malaga.

Centros de Formación World Aviation Curso Piloto Comercial

Madrid Cuatro Vientos Airport.

  • Theoretical classes » Málaga-Costa del Sol International Airport.
  • Training flights » Velez-Malaga/ La Axarquia Airport.
Open Day
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What our helicopter students have to say

Mika Kinnunen
Mika Kinnunen
Pegasus Pilot
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I am very happy with my course, I finished with a CPL(H) in hand and everything works perfectly at the school! The staff, including the mechanics and office staff, is very professional and helpful. I recommend it 100% if you have any doubts.
Jacobo Ramiro
Jacobo Ramiro
Pegasus Pilot
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I had no experience in aviation. I liked it and I did it, you just have to put the will and effort into it. Today I work as a firefighting pilot. What I liked most about World Aviation is the team that makes it up.
Thomas Clayton
Thomas Clayton
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Helped me finish the CPL phase when my original ATO in Malaga let me down. Efficient, helpful, willing to listen and understand my circumstances in order to build a custom course. Very responsive, no delays. Shaved easily 3-6 months off my training timeline. I couldn’t ask for better, bravo!

Need more information?

Send us your contact information and we will help you to solve all your doubts.
ATPL(H)/IR Program in PDF

Consult the Training Program of the Integrated Helicopter Airline Transport Pilot Course with Instrument Rating (IR) where you will find all the information you need.

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